He has diverse background in customer service and marketing areas. Experienced in marketing for around 10 years covers strategy, research, planning, sales, communication, and training. While in customer service, he experienced in customer retention, service strategy, planning, assurance, consulting, and training for more than 13 years. His other experience relates to corporate secretary area for around a year.
Graduated from Bogor Agricultural University in 1992 before proceeding with Magister of Management degree from PPM Graduate School of Management, Jakarta, in 1997. To strengthen his professionalism in Customer Service, he pursued Call Center Certification provided by Call Center Industry Advisory Council (CIAC) – USA. In June 2009, he obtained the professional designation of CIAC-Certified Management Consultant, and renewed in 2012.
Magister of Management, PPM School of Management
Email: filosa@excelis.co.id
Phone: (+6221) 2297-8690