Online Sharing – Perilaku Manusia
Introduction : Dalam 24 jam kita sebagai manusia, berpotensi untuk berinteraksi dengan manusia lainnya. Sayangnya tidak semua interaksi yang dilakukan…
Online Sharing 2nd Edition – Klinik Contact Center
Introduction : Sebuah organisasi di dalam membangun dan menjalankan contact center pasti memiliki harapan dan tujuan tertentu. Organisasi tersebut mengharapkan…
The Needs Analysis Process
Introduction : Training and People Development masih menjadi strategi intervensi yang sangat menantang bagi manajemen organisasi, karena banyak yang belum…
Klinik Contact Center – Contact Center Model For Success
Introduction : Sebuah organisasi di dalam membangun dan menjalankan contact center pasti memiliki harapan dan tujuan tertentu. Organisasi tersebut mengharapkan…
10 Kesalahan Yang Sering Terjadi Dalam Interpretasi KPI Contact Center
Introduction : Sebuah organisasi di dalam membangun dan menjalankan contact center pasti memiliki harapan dan tujuan tertentu. Organisasi tersebut mengharapkan…
High Level KPI Contact Center
Introduction : Sebuah organisasi di dalam membangun dan menjalankan contact center pasti memiliki harapan dan tujuan tertentu. Organisasi tersebut mengharapkan…
Effective Leadership Principles and Actions
Objectives : Understand self-readiness in carrying out leadership roles. Increase understanding of the differences and leadership functions. Increase the ability…
Productive Behaviour at Work
Objectives : Improve the understanding that everyone might be different from one another in fundamental aspects. Enhance the understanding that…
Mindful Presentation
Objectives : Increase Understanding of the preparations that must be made before the presentation set. Enhance the Ability to craft…
Contact Center Leadership & Business Management
Objectives : To allow participants to gain insights and ideas from the world wide best practice of the Contact Center…
Contact Center People Management
Objectives : To equip participants with the leading principles & practices related to Contact Center People Management. To allow participants…
Contact Center Operation Management
Objectives : To equip participants with the leading principles & practices related to Contact Center Operations Management. To allow participants…
Contact Center Leader Competency
Objectives : Know the role of the leader in the contact center and how to be able to carry out…
Contact Center Workforce Management
Objectives : Know the Forecasting-Staffing-Scheduling process in contact center operations, and the factors that influence. Know the factors that influence…
Contact Center Quality Assurance
Objectives : Know Quality Assurance (QA) purpose and process based on contact center best practice. Learn how to determine service…
Contact Center Performance Management
Objectives : Recognizing the key success factors in managing Contact Center. Learn what is best practice Contact Center KPIs. Provide…
Contact Center Data Analysis
Objectives : Enrich professional insight & competence in contact centers in terms of data analysis and interpretation. Learn the analysis…
Fundamental Contact Center Knowledge
Objectives : Provide an overview of the world of contact center work. Know the purpose and benefits of a contact…
Effective Communication
Objectives : Understanding the deepest essence of the communication. Understanding the importance of upholding the principles of effective communication. Deepen…
Handling and Resolving Customer Complaint
Objectives : Improve the ability to identify reasons customers complain. Identifying types of difficult customers and the strategy to handle…
Customer Service Telephony Skills
Objectives : Deepen understanding of the profound purpose of doing telephone service activities. Increase the ability to manage personal resources…
Effective Business Writing
Objectives : Understand the importance of upholding the principles of effective communication. Improve the ability to manage emotions and inner…
Sincerely Serving You
Objectives : Better understand the repertoire of Indonesian Service Culture. Enhance self-awareness to using genuine service which comes from Heart…